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Singing show goes on!


In the SSAU the 3rd stage of the show-project "Battle Studies" took place.

It was dedicated to the military-patriotic song. Vocal studio "Rhythm", "Joyce", "Provans" and "Anfas" competed in three categories: solo, duet and ensemble. Lively response from the viewers got the songs "Rossiya, Rodina moya", "Nikogda ne sabivay", "Mir na planete". The third stage of of song contest has won the studio "Joyce," but in the first three rounds the vocal studio "Provans" keeps the leadership. It is to be recalled that the winner will be named at the end of the school year on the basis of all speeches. The subject of the following "Battle Studies" will be: for solo - rock 'n' roll, for duets - Maxim Fadeev’s songs, for ensembles - musicals.

Dmitry Shostakovich said that singing opens a whole world of feelings, emotions and thoughts. In what new colors and paints the world will see participants of the 4th stage of "Battle Studies" what affects "the thread of the soul" of the strict jury, and who will be the favorite of the public, can be found by visiting this spectacular event. Welcome to the world of the song! 

Дата новости для фото:  12.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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