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Student creativity development system of the SSAU is recognized as one of the best


The results of the All-Russian competition for the best organization of the student government activities of professional educational institutions and educational institutions of higher education in the category "The Best Student Creativity Support System" were summarized.

The contest was held in Rostov-on-Don in the framework of the Russian school of leaders of student government "Leader of XXI century". 447 applications from 67 subjects of the Russian Federation (177 educational institutions) was filed for participation in the contest in 2016.

At the correspondence stage in the category "The Best Student Creativity Support System" 60 applications were submitted. As a result of on-site competition Stavropol State Agrarian University was awarded a diploma of the second degree. As noted by Sergey Kulikov, the head of the Russian Student Center at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation, “This event has been held more than 15 years, and this points to the fact that it is popular and demanded for the youth of our country. We were able to identify those who really work effectively in their student associations in the primary areas". Resulting in the competition materials are used for the analysis of the students' self-government system in the professional educational institutions and educational institutions of higher education. These materials enable us to form a representative picture of the activity level of the student community in the Russian Federation.

Stavropol State Agrarian University was presented by the Chairman of the Primary Trade Union Organization of Students - Nikolay Golovin, who also became an active member of the School "Leader of XXI century". School of student government is a large-scale platform for sharing experiences and student problem solving.

School program included a large educational program as well as meetings and Skype conferences with honored guests and experts among them are: Benjamin Kaganov, the Deputy Minister of Education and Science of the Russian Federation; Artyom Khromov, student-rights ombudsman of the Russian Federation; Sergey Kulikov, the head of the Russian Student Center at the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

During the question-and-answer session Benjamin Kaganov said: "The students - is a key strength of the changes that are happening and should happen in our country. One of the main tasks is competitive education, competitive economy and competitive people who can achieve a lot. Therefore, everything that makes the Ministry of Education and Science, aimed at creating conditions for the development of Russia". 

Дата новости для фото:  15.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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