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Election literacy


Students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University took part in the "Open Day" of the regional election commission.

The meeting was opened by the chairman of the election commission of the Stavropol Territory Eugeniy Demyanov. In his speech, he first of all emphasized the need for the holding elections, as well as the importance of participation. "The choice of power is happening at the moment when the voting paper is lowered to the bottom of the ballot box, and you, as voters, should be aware of your responsibility for the choice of power and understand that it will depend on you and your choice how the country will live," said Eugeniy Demyanov.

The Chairman of Election Committee told about the system of election commissions of the Stavropol Territory.

Стоит отметить, что избирательная комиссия края в очередной раз постаралась сделать День открытых дверей интересным и занимательным для участников, была подготовлена интеллектуальная игра по избирательному праву и процессу.

About the activities of the Youth Electoral Commission of Stavropol Territory told the secretary Maria Dubrovina.

It is worth noting that the Electoral Commission of the Territory once again tried to catch the interest of the students and prepared the mind game on electoral law and process. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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