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Healthy plant - abundant harvest


Teaching staff of the Faculty of Agricultural Chemistry and Plant Physiology and the experts of the company "Syngenta" conducted a webinar for students of "Agronomics" on the theme "Corn."

During the online-briefing with the representatives of the Moscow office of the company, whose main objective is realization of the potential of plants, the following practical issues were revealed: 1) how to choose the corn hybrid, depending on the technology of cultivation of the region; 2) sowing time; 3) mineral nutrition; 4) the most effective agricultural technologies in specific climatic conditions; 5) new corn hybrids trends relevant in the difficult 2016 season.

At the very core of the quality of the future harvest of maize - the quality of planting material, the quality of plant protection products and the quality of diseaseless management.

Webinar participants could live chat with experts of the company "Syngenta", ask questions, read the results of demonstration experiments yields, learn how to get the most out of the maize cultivation in the season 2016.

Дата новости для фото:  16.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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