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Undergraduate training abroad is a resource for new knowledge


Delegation of Association on Cooperation in the field of Ecology, Agriculture and Rural Development in the Eastern Europe (APOLLO) has come to the Stavropol State Agrarian University on a working visit.

Kerstin Müller, the program manager, Alla Kutuzov, a Russian representative and a program coordinator, farmers participating in the program APOLLO, Matthias Hertel Herald and Gerd-Wilhelm Nuppenau came to carry out the next stage of the shortlisting of the SSAU students for practical training in the farms and agricultural enterprises in Germany. Since 1991, thanks to the program APOLLO, student exchange project has been conducted between Russia and Germany. It helps to establish and maintain contacts between the universities of these countries in the areas of agriculture, biology, geography and geology. Every year 60 Russian students of agricultural universities go to Germany for a four-month agricultural practice, which takes place on small farms, where students live and work together with farmers' families.

Interview with students and graduates of agricultural universities is one of the stages of the APOLLO program as part of preparation for summer agricultural practice on German farms. Our students gain experience and knowledge in practical agriculture, learn about another country and its people, language and culture.

APOLLO practice program corresponds to the program of the practice of German students studying agriculture. Each participant of the program writes the report and takes a final exam in German language. Successful project protection and successful examination allow trainees to participate in the competition and the prize for victory is repeated practice or recommendation to continue studies in Germany. 

Дата новости для фото:  18.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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