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Geography of the SSAU cooperation with agribusiness companies extends


Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management V.S. Skripkin and assistant professor of Production and Processing Technology of Agricultural Products Department T.V. Voblikova took part in the scientific and practical seminar "Milk production and processing in foreign countries."

As part of the seminar, a round work table with representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Association of Milk Processors, after seminar the participants visited the dairy plant "Athena". During the forum the possibilities of strategic cooperation between the Stavropol State Agrarian University and the agricultural enterprises of the Republic of Ayzerbaydzhan were discussed; and the training of highly qualified personnel for the rapidly developing agro-industrial complex of Azerbaijan was considered.

- It was planned to visit breeding complex "Agat-Agro" in Agjabadi, - said Dean of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine and Technology Management V.S Skripki. - Breeding complex "Agat-Agro" is the result of the implementation of the State program of socio-economic development of regions. The total area of ​​the complex, created in Agabayli village of Agjabedi district, is 50 hectares. It consists of animal husbandry for three thousand heads of cattle and for two thousand heads of goats and sheep. The structure of the cattle-breeding complex "Agat-Agro" also includes a plant for processing sheep's wool; it capacity allows to obtain 5000 kg of washed wool per year.

1,500 cows of Holstein Friesian breed are imported to the complex; each cow can produce more than 25 liters of milk per day. Now there are 2600 animals at the complex. It is planned to produce 22.8 thousand tons of milk per year. It will meet the needs of dairy plant “Atena”, which processing capacity is 90 thousand tons per year in the raw material. Another interesting project is the goat breeding farm for 2000 heads of goats of SAANEN breed. It will consist of 8 farms, milking and feeding plants. These goats can easily be adapted to the local climate, their live weight - 50-55 kg, the fat content of milk - 3.5 percent, and dairy season - 300 days, every day milk production per goat is 3-4 liters of milk.

At the farm national cheese production of cheese from sheep's milk - Mota - is organized. Mota - the original Azerbaijani soft cheese, which is made from goat's and sheep's milk. Cheese ripens in goat wineskins three to four months. Ripening is supplemented with stems and leaves of mountain thyme. Cheese is produced in small quantities; it is crumbly cheese that does not have a specific shape, without external cover and artificial turf; it’s a shapeless lump of 20-25 kilograms. "
As part of the practical part of the seminar, a goat farm "Ideal", located 30 km from Baku was visited. Main livestock of the farm consists of the Damascus goats of Shami breed, also called Baladi and Aleppo. This is a very ancient breed of the Middle East. Modern breed of Shami goats (Cyprus Shami) is an excellent dairy breed, easily adaptable to any climate and terrain. Production of semi-hard cheese from goat's milk on the Italian technology in test mode is organized at the farm.

At the seminar the SSAU representatives settled a contract on joint research on the development of technologies of cheese production from goat and sheep milk with Azerbaijani counterparts.

Дата новости для фото:  19.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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