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The Festival "Nanofest" will be held in Stavropol.


In 2016 from 25 to 27 of February the Festival "Nanofest" will be held in Stavropol.

The organizer of the program "innovation workshops" of Fund for Infrastructure and Educational Programs RUSNANO (FIEP) with the support of Ministry of Economic Development of Stavropol region. Festival events will be held in major universities: North-Caucasian Federal University and Stavropol State Agrarian University.

The program of the festival, which will be attended by students, graduate students and young scientists, includes screenings of popular films, lectures on nanomaterials, as well as master classes for popularizers of science and nanotechnology.

Nanofest in Stavropol is lectures on nanotechnology; master classes on the popularization of science, fundraising and public speaking skills; free screenings; Science Slam Nano is the evening popular science, showing in the format of scientific duel scientists - and more!

At the festival, open lectures will be given by Maxim Scherbakov, Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, Moscow State University researcher, who will talk about nanotechnology. Olga Mironova, PhD, representing the lab-floriculture RGAU Moscow Timiryazev Agricultural Academy; Project Manager, will speak on the use of innovation and nanotechnology materials in agriculture. Anton Usachev, director of the Russian Association of solar energy companies, will introduce participants to the prospects of development of solar energy in Russia, will speak about the role of industry in socio-economic development.

There will be business events within the «Nanofest», dedicated to examples of successful application of solar energy in Russia. At the meeting attended by representatives of the business community interested in modern high-tech solutions in small and medium-sized businesses. The festival "Nanofest" will involve students, graduate students and young scientists of SSAU, which, in particular, are engaged in scientific development to improve energy efficiency of agricultural enterprises and other topics.

At the end of three-day festival of science and nanotechnology will be held scientific show Science Slam Nano. It is an international format presentations of young scientists, who have a 10-minute understandable and interesting talking about their research and development. Viewers vote for parties with loud applause: the sound level meter will be set in a hall that determines the winner of the strongest ovation.

"Program" innovation workshops "is already working in 15 cities of Russia. In its popular scientific activity involved students and graduates of 19 universities. The main goal of "Nanofest" is to show how to create and apply domestic nanotechnology, and to promote a community popularizers of science, technology and nanotechnology, - said the head of the Directorate popularization FIEP Sergei Filippov - The Fund of infrastructure and educational programs creates the technological, human and regulatory framework for the development of Russian nanotechnology industry. And it is extremely important that the society understands the value of nanotechnology for the development of a competitive economy. " 

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