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The collection of priority directions of food industry development issued in SSAU


The Faculty of Technology Management released a collection of articles on materials of the international conference "Priority directions of food industry development".

Its organizers - department of technology of production and processing of agricultural products (the head is professor Sycheva O.V.). The conference included the following areas: rational resource-saving technology for the processing of agricultural products; ways to improve the quality and nutritional value of food; functional ingredients and nutritional supplements; standardization, certification and quality control of food production.

The event acquired an international dimension - the works were sent by authors of “Kostanay State University named after A. Baitursynov” (Kostanay, Kazakhstan). Russian geography of participants includes almost all regions. The collection includes 170 articles on the directions outlined in the program. In the near future it will be registered and placed in the RSCI.

The organizers hope that the conference aim is knowledge of the development of young scientists and the dissemination of best practices - has been achieved, and invite anybody who wants to further cooperation. 

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