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The road to the final of Club of the Funny and Inventive intramural league is open!


The semi-final of SSAU intramural CFI League was competed, for the final of which 8 teams fought.

"When SSAU passes intramural CFI League university like a real hive. Each worker of "CFI" carries out his own work: someone rehearse in process, someone is singing, someone prepares props. But this is always a great opportunity to have fun and have fun "- shared with her impressions 3rd year student of Accounting and Finance Department Victoria Svetlichnaya.

Her faculty’s team opened the evening CFI at the Agrarian University. The game was very strong, all teams have prepared very worthy. In addition to our guys in the semifinals made IDNK team. The children had to laugh the jury and the audience in 2 contests: greeting and musical freestyle.

Points were summed, the result of two games in the finals held four teams. Already in April, the Department of Electric Power, Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Department of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism and the Department of Agricultural Mechanization will compete for the title of SSAU league. But a team of the Department of Electric Power is leading with a margin of three tenths of points. The semi-final was a cheerful and bright, let’s look what participants of CFI prepare for the final battle, which will be held in the spring. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  12

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