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"Student of AU" - the TV news version


The correspondents: Valeria Efimova, Victoria Svetlichnaya, Victoria Kulikova and the presenter of TV project, Dmitry Evdokimov told about the festival of innovations "Nanofest" which k took place in SSAU last week, semifinals of intrahigh KVN league of and on the meeting of the Literary Club "Peace within the word" devoted to the work of the Stavropol journalist Nicholay Maryevskiy.

The program "Student of AU" can always be seen in the social networks of the University, and to share interesting information and to try his hand as a correspondent in the press service of SSAU. The auditorium 81a is always waiting for the latest news! 

Дата новости для фото:  27.02.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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