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II All-Russia Olympic Games of students and post-graduate students on stories of the Russian business in SSAU


At economic faculty of the Stavropol state agrarian university has passed a regional stage of II All-Russia Olympic Games of students and post-graduate students on stories of the Russian business.

The regional stage of the Olympic Games has united pupils, bachelors, students of Master course and post-graduate students of leaders of the higher and professional educational institutions of Stavropol Territory.

The Olympic Games have passed in frameworks of realisation of the project «History of the Russian business» and the All-Russia action «100 great businessmen and patrons of art of Russia». Organizers – business and world economy chair, the all-Russian public organisation «Business Russia» and the Russian historical society. Members of the competitive commission of the regional Olympic Games – teachers of chair of business and world economy, the co-chairman of the Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian public organisation «Business Russia» E.A.Bondarenko, the chief executive of the Stavropol regional branch of the All-Russian public organisation I.I.Karasyuk «Business Russia», a deputy head of committee of economic development of administration of Stavropol V.V.Merkulov, general director NP «UGPand K» V.E.Zolotaryov.

The project urged to staticize in public consciousness the questions, concerning missions and roles of Russian business in formation of Russia through the reference to the cultural-historical heritage connected with restoration of historical memory and justice concerning the contribution of Russian business in history of the Russian State, for the purpose of formation of new trends of the positive relation to business and people-businessmen, patrons of art, philanthropists of the present.

Дата новости для фото:  01.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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