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Manufacture – high school: cooperation ways


At economic faculty of the Stavropol state agrarian university one more contract with the strategic partner – Open Company «House of solar heat» is signed.

Teachers of chair of the economic theory and economy of agrarian and industrial complex of V.V.Kurennaya and S. V.Alivanova and the director of the enterprise P.A.Yakovenko have concluded the contract on creation of scientific and technical production. During a meeting the special attention has been given priority directions of development of the enterprise in policy conditions of import replacement. The problem of an establishment and development of partner relations of high school with the industrial enterprises, and in particular from Open Company «House of solar heat», assumes mutually advantageous cooperation in the field of preparation of highly-skilled personnel, carrying out of joint researches, modernisation of let out production. Participants have planned prospects of the further cooperation of the enterprise with economic faculty.

Дата новости для фото:  01.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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