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Authors of the best scientific and educational publications are scientists of SSAU – marked out by awards of the International competition


Teachers of SSAU are marked out by certificates and diplomas of the I International competition on the best educational and scientific publication which has come to the end in Omsk with SAU of P. A. Stolypin.

A competition was held for the purpose of detection of the best educational or scientific publication, support of authors and groups of authors, encouragement of publishing projects of higher education institutions, increase of level of publishing preparation, printing execution and decorating of editions for the educational institutions, and also scientific, popular scientific, help and other types of editions which are trained, operating in structure. Selection of winners took place on various nominations.

In the nomination "The Best Printing Educational Edition on Economic Sciences" the diploma of the I degree has noted "Accounting and the analysis" of E.I. Kostyukova, O. V. Elchaninova, S. A. Tunin, I.B. Manzhosova; the diploma of the II degree – "Accounting management accounting" of E.I. Kostyukova; the diploma of the III degree – "The accounting of expenses, calculation, budgeting in branches of the production sphere" E.I. Kostyukova.

In the nomination "The Best Printing Educational and Methodical Edition":the diploma of the III degree is handed to E.E. Epimakhova, V. Yu. Morozov, M. I. Selionova's authors for the book "Reproduction of an Agricultural Bird".

In the nomination "The Best Printing Scientific Publication on Economic Sciences" the diploma of the II degree has noted the monograph "Organizational and Methodical Ensuring Management Accounting of Expenses and Calculation of Product Cost in the Wine-making Organizations": E.I. Kostyukova, M. V. Feskova.

For active participation in the competition the Letter of thanks is directed to the Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university, the Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor V. I. Truhachev.

We congratulate our winners and we wish scientists of SSAU further success in educational, scientific and methodical work! 

Дата новости для фото:  02.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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