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In SSAU "Mr. University 2016" has been chosen


In the Stavropol SAU the competition "Mr. University 2016" on a rank of the most beautiful, erudite, talented student has taken place.

9 contestants expected difficult tests: to show ability to keep on a scene, to open the talents in a creative competition, to show erudition, sharpness and sense of humour. With the parting word the rector of university V. I. Truhachev has addressed children.

"We are very glad to an opportunity to hold this annual competition in which young people in the healthy competition, in the competitive environment show the best qualities show intelligence, an ingenuity, character", - Vladimir Ivanovich has told. He has wished to participants of a competition and all student's brotherhood of all that he personifies youth: creativity, health, dreams, love then has given start to the beginning of show. Further everything has begun to spin in a uniform tuft of emotions, jokes, suits, music, an applause! The competition has turned out powerful, in the hall - the notice, active support groups …

By tradition on a scene there were men, and in jury of a festival, on the contrary, there were only ladies. This year the head of department of educational work and social problems, associate professor T.I. Gunko became judges; producing choreographer of the Stavropol academic drama theater of M. Yu. Lermontov, graduate of GITIS Tatyana Gligor; CEO of Agency of Creative Communications of "GOOD PEOPLE" Irina Petrova; leading expert of department of youth policy of the Ministry of Education and youth policy of Stavropol Krai Anna Shimko; director of travel agency "Geography" Evgenia Amirokova.

Participants of a competition have passed five intense stages. At first children have appeared in an image of thematic heroes: The hatter from "Alice in Wonderland", the legendary detective Sherlock Holmes, Ivan Tsarevitch, the Mechanic gentleman, the poet Mikhail Lermontov, the cheerful clown, the great physicist Nikola Tesl, the hero of last "Oscar" DiCaprio and a generalized character of athletes of the Russian folklore. Then shows have continued the competitions "Mr.-romantic", "Fashion show beach", "Creative Number", "Classics".

Conducting this "live", enchanting, colourful action, the head of the Center of esthetic education of students Ivan Maklakov set the tone for all evening. Children had to show considerable actor's talent, to improvise, parrying his easy jokes and humor.

Following the results of all stages the title "Mr. University 2016" is appropriated to the student 3 courses of registration and financial faculty to Dmitry Evdokimov. A rank "the 1st vice-– Mr. University" has received the student of 1 course of faculty of veterinary medicine Sergey Nogin,

rank "the 2nd vice-– Mr. University" - the student 4 courses of faculty of Socio-cultural service and tourism Denis Gogolev.

Also the most artistic, creative, extravagant, erudite, plastic, sports and photogenic students have been defined. Marat Bazarov, the student of faculty of agrobiology and land resources has got a prize of spectator sympathies.

- We consider that each of children – the winner, - the head of department of educational work and social problems T.I. Gunko has commented on competition results. – All children are talented, everything is outstanding personalities. Everyone has approached a competition responsibly, has tried to bring "highlight" in the performance.

During the whole evening the festive atmosphere on a scene was created the show ballet "Stylish Features", by soloists of vocal studios "Provence", "Joyce", the owner of a rank "A gold voice of SSAU" Svetlana Sevastyanova. Participants of a competition, having felt on itself pleasures and difficulties of a competition, have noted that show has given them a lot of things, and it not only gifts and prizes, but also experience of a public statement, a creative reserve for the future, and, above all – they have got new friends.

- The victory in a competition is both success, and work. I want to tell many thanks to the management, the dean of the faculty, to a student's asset – without them at me nothing would leave. Really, there was a persistent fight, and victories were worthy everything. The competition has united us – I had had new friends. That's great! – the winner of competition, the owner of rank "Mr. University 2016" Dmitry Evdokimov has told.

Дата новости для фото:  02.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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