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March, 8th – holiday of love, tenderness, beauty


Lovely women!

With the International Women's Day March 8 - a fine holiday! Let the warmest words of appreciation and admiration sound for you this day! You, like the blossoming nature, personify the beginning of life, beauty, harmony and all the best in this world. You, lovely ladies are a fine half of mankind and the best part of our university.

We appreciate you for your patience and support, we thank for everything, what you do – both in family and at work.

Behind each success of the man there is the real woman. You are a source of inspiration of our new openings and courageous decisions. And only thanks to you we can be strong, courageous, and successful.

Dear mothers and grandmothers, daughters and sisters, wives and girlfriends! There aren't enough words to express admiration of you – wise and true, tender, careful and always wonderful.

Heartily I wish you respect and recognition in professional sphere, rest in soul and good weather in house! Remain always, despite any problems, beautiful, tender, merciful, and capable to create and dream. I wish health, love and the sun to each of you.

Be happy! You are worthy it every day, all the year round, the whole life!

Rector of the Stavropol state agrarian university, Corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Professor, Deputy of the Duma of Stavropol Krai, Hero of labour at Stavropol Territory, Honorable citizen of Stavropol Krai 

Дата новости для фото:  03.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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