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Prestige of the professional status - a basis of interaction of high school and manufacturing enterprises


Within the limits of the contract on cooperation between Stavropol SAU and joint-stock company «Concern Energomera» students of electropower faculty were trained on the program «Operation, programming of multipurpose counters and use ASKUE of manufacture of Joint-Stock Company« Electrotechnical factories "Energomera".

Close cooperation of high school with the concern enterprises proceeds many years. Among workers of association it is a lot of graduates of faculty, and students of 2 and 3 courses willingly agree to pass practice in the conditions of "live" manufacture.

Four students of 3 courses (Alexander Fast, direction "Agroengineering"; Aslan Dzhegutanov, direction «Electric power industry and electrical engineer»; Daniel Shaforostov, direction «Electric power industry and electrical engineer»; Dmitry, direction «Electric power industry and electrical engineer») studied real industrial problems, understood programming of different kinds and types of counters of electric energy, got acquainted with remote terminal units of various kinds of construction of the automated information-measuring systems of the commercial account of the electric power.

The intellectual property is one of the major actives of the modern industrial company providing competitive and effective functioning of business. Therefore the invitation of students to the further training and training in concern "Power measure" serves as pledge of the future professional competence. Students of electric power faculty have again received chance to work in this companies. On a question, whether frightens them to use the intelligence, skills on active manufacture, with full return, children have answered: «Certainly, no, if work prestigious and interesting. Besides we have been invited to the hi-tech manufacture having strong traditions and realized the progressive ideas. It is pleasant and responsible».

Дата новости для фото:  03.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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