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Scientific work of student from SSAU is recognized the best at the all-Russian conference


The student of economic faculty of a direction "Economy" Veronica Serikova became the winner-winner of the third all-Russian youthful scientific conference «Reformers and revolutionaries in Russian history» (St.-Petersburg).

Conference is dated for one of considerable episodes of Russian history - to the edition of the manifesto on serfdom cancellation (on February, 19th, 1861) tsar-liberator Alexander II.

The report of the student on a theme «Herman Lopatin - the revolutionary, changed a history course?» The supervisor of studies of conference the Doctor of historical sciences, the Professor and the supervisor of studies of Department of history of the Higher school of economy, the author of numerous monographies and author's programs on television of Russia E. V.Anisimov, and also the judge of section the candidate of historical sciences, the employee of research archive of the St.-Petersburg institute of history Russian Academy N.V. Bashnin have highly appreciated. All winners have been awarded by diplomas of different degree and memorable gifts. V.Serikova's work will be published in the collection of the best reports with the publication on a conference site.

Дата новости для фото:  03.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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