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This day is filled by light, fregnance of white roses


The holiday concert took place in the Stavropol state agrarian university before the International women's day. Its students of faculties of veterinary medicine, technological management and registration-financial have prepared. Revival and holiday mood soared in an assembly hall. Deans of faculties, associate professor S.Skripkin and professor E.I.Kostyukova have congratulated invited mums, grandmothers, teachers and students on a coming holiday. Valentin Sergeevich has addressed to women with warm words: «Spring – the most wonderful time, when the nature wakes up, flowers are dismissed, the new life begins. You, women, associate very much with this season – same charming, lovely and fine! You give surrounding heat, tenderness and boundless care, support in a difficult minute, learn stability, inspire us. All the most light and good comes from you! » The kind wishes were expressed also by Elena Ivanovna: « From the bottom of the heart I wish you good health, bright spring sun, good mood, well-being, the world, successes in work, in study, in life! Love and be favourite! Happiness to you! » Professor, the dean of faculties of agrobiology and agrarian resources and ecologies and landscape architecture A.N.Esaulko has warmly congratulated all and said to have a good holiday. He has wished lovely ladies love, beauty and spring mood. Students of faculties have done present with wonderful creative numbers. Talented children have presented all pleasant minutes of pleasure and rest.

Дата новости для фото:  04.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  9

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