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Course – on an innovation!

At electric power faculty SSAU experimental researches of innovative means of jet capacity with advantage are lead.
Within the limits of realization of the federal program « UMNIK 2015 » the student of 4 course of electropower faculty Shunina Anna (the head senior lecturer I.N.Vorotnikov) together with participants of a student's scientific organization of faculty with advantage are lead experimental researches of a pre-production model of a digital measure-computer of management by installations of the compensation of jet capacity for powerful agricultural consumers. The arrangement works in conditions of low parameters of quality of the electric power of a power line. The invention concerns to area electrical engineers and is maybe used in an electrorolling stock of an alternating current with zone-phase regulation of a pressure.
« We willingly support all aspirations of our youth. We have stated the mechanism of attraction for ourselves so: « From student's conference, to the grant  UMNIK – before opening the small innovative company! », - the Rector of Stavropol state agrarian university V.I. Truhachev considers.
It is necessary to note, that today at university fruitfully work 32 small innovative enterprises.

Дата новости для фото:  04.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  3

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