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The University Camp "The growth trajectory of SSAU" is recognized as the best model school of student activists


According to the results of completed in Rostov-on-Don All-Russia workshop "Organizer" and the fourth school of coaches of Association coaches, "The growth trajectory of SSAU" was recognized as the best student's active school model and the 5th year student of Veterinary Medicine Faculty Maria Malysheva was the best curator of the school of students activists. In the final of the contest of asset schools organizers, which took place in the framework of the seminar, attended more than a hundred representatives of the active students from eight federal districts. The first stage of the competition was held in absentia, on its results in the Rostov-on-Don gathered the winners and prize winners of the contest. Stavropol State Agrarian University was represented at the All-Russian workshop "Organizer" in the nominations "The best head of school (camp) student activists" by Nikolay Golovin, in the category "Best model of the school (camp) student activists" by the 4th year student of Accounting and Finance Department Ekaterina Svetlichnaya, in the nomination "Best curator school (camp) student activists" by 5th year student of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine Ekaterina Malysheva. The finalist of the fourth school coaches of students Coaches Association became the 4th year student of the Faculty of Economics Svetlana Dolgopolova. For three days, the contestants presented their projects and talked about asset schools. In addition to the contest, participants of the "Organizer" had the opportunity to attend master classes and workshops from leading business coaches and experts in the field of student government. The students have prepared their own master classes and presented them at the seminar "Organizer". Also, the future trainers have to demonstrate their knowledge by answering the test items.

In total the results of the school 46 trainers were certified.
Chairman of the Russian Union of Youth P.P.Krasnorutsky sent a Letter of appreciation for the active participation of the student of the University "Leader of the 21st century" to the Rector of SSAU V.I. Trukhachev.

Дата новости для фото:  09.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  6

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