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Students and professors of SSAU got acknowledgement for participating in the continuous federal statistical observation


On the Accounting and Finance Faculty of the Stavropol State Agrarian University held a seminar-meeting on summarizing continuous federal statistical supervision over the activities of small and medium-sized businesses.

To participants of the seminar addressed Head of Department "Statistics and Econometrics", Doctor of Economics, Professor A.N. Gerasimov, Dean of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance, Doctor of Economics, Professor E.I. Kostukova and Deputy Head of the Territorial Body of Federal State Statistics Service of the Stavropol Region L.E. Alyabiev.

A continuous federal statistical observation over the activities of small and medium-sized businesses - is a comprehensive federal statistical survey involves the collection of major economic indicators for the production of goods (works, services), employment and wages, financial results, etc. as of a certain date. Continuous monitoring is conducted periodically on the entire territory of the Russian Federation for a single official statistical methodology. On the institutional arrangements of continuous federal statistical supervision over the activities of small and medium-sized enterprises for 2015 in Stavropol told the chief specialist of the department of business statistics N.G. Mikhailova.

The aim of the continuous monitoring is the formation of official statistical information, containing a comprehensive and detailed description of economic activities of small and medium-sized enterprises, to improve the socio-economic forecasting and development of measures to improve the functioning of the Russian economy as a whole and its individual sectors in the geographical distribution, in including by municipalities.

The seminar marked the students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, who participated in a continuous federal statistical observation of the activity of subjects of small and average business for 2015 in Stavropol and Stavropol Territory. Deputy Head of the Local Agency of Federal State Statistics Service of the Stavropol Region L.E. Alyabyeva handed over letters of acknowledgement to students. Letter of acknowledgement for their active participation in the complex federal statistical survey in 2015 in the Stavropol Territory was sent to the Rector of SSAU V.I.Truhachev and a number of professors of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance.

Дата новости для фото:  10.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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