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Scientists of SSAU participated in the international seminar on issues of scientific and technological development of agriculture


Vice-Rector for Science and Innovation, Associate Professor V.Y. Morozov and Head of SRW and STCY scientific and innovative training center S.P. Sklyarov took part in the international seminar "The Future of Agriculture: Global Challenges and scientific and technological development."

The seminar was held in Moscow at the National Research University "Higher School of Economics" and was aimed at finding new points of growth of agriculture and opportunities for international cooperation in a number of the most promising areas of science and technology.

The discussion was organized by the Centre for International Projects and Foresight Centre, Institute for Statistical Studies and Economics of Knowledge (ISSEK) the HSE as part of the project "Enhancing inter-regional cooperation in the field of science, technology and innovation between the EU and the countries of the Black Sea region."

"The purpose of the seminar was to identify promising areas of bilateral and multilateral scientific and technical cooperation between Russia, the European Union and the Black Sea countries outside the EU in thematic areas such as sustainable agriculture based on new technologies and institutional solutions; the future of genetic engineering; Food Security: New Challenges for agricultural countries, - the V.U. Morozov. – Presentations ISSEK Director of HSE LM Gokhberg and Director of the Department of scientific and technological policy and formation of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation E.I. Metelkovoy emphasis was placed on such practical tools for international cooperation in science and technology that could be applied in its activities by representatives of government, business, academic and educational institutions. Head of the Department of Science and Technology Delegation of the European Union in Russia Richard Burger described the participants the possibility to connect to joint research projects in the framework of the program "Horizon 2020". He presented the work program of the priority themes for the coming years and talked about the possibilities of participation of Russian research teams, including in the framework of competitions, organized by the Ministry of Education of Russia. Alex Nistrean, executive director of the Permanent International Secretariat of the Black Sea Economic Cooperation, has listed the potential research areas for joint projects. It should be noted that from January to June 2016 Russia serves as the chairman of the international association, and as one of the priority areas for strengthening cooperation allocated to agriculture. "

The seminar included presentations of participants from 11 countries in the thematic areas such as sustainable agriculture based on new technologies and institutional solutions; the future of genetic engineering; Food safety (new challenges for agricultural countries). In a number of speeches was the idea that the search for technological solutions in these areas is important to communicate with the study of society's willingness to accept new products and services, as well as the introduction of non-traditional models of agriculture. In large extent due to the changing relationship between producers and consumers of food products and a dynamic technology progress the agricultural sector in the medium term may become more industrial and agro-complexes will be developed not only in rural areas but also in highly urbanized areas.

According to the results of the seminar will identify promising areas of multilateral scientific and technical cooperation the European Union and the Black Sea countries outside the EU, in the field of agriculture for the organization of joint competitions of research projects. 

Дата новости для фото:  10.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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