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Bid farewell to Maslenitsa and wait for sun light!


Wide Maslenitsa at the Agrarian University was cozy, fun and welcoming, with tablecloth, dances and competitions, songs and dances.

- Wide Maslenitsa - is not only a cheerful folk song and dance, it is also a demonstration of baking skills - what sort of Maslenitsa without the pancakes?! Today they are like little suns, lured from everywhere - said the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Technology Management Veronica Belousova. – We baked pancakes yesterday and were preparing for the holiday, which is waiting for and loved by all the students of Agrarian University.

By tradition, each department in the Agricultural University has prepared a generous meal. However, students were not cajoled the sun, and the jury, consisting of Vice Rectors and heads of structural divisions of the university, which is evaluated by their presentation Maslenitsa. The largest and most delicious stack of pancakes, 196 cm tall, appeared at of the Faculty of Agrobiology and the Faculty of Ecology and Landscape Architecture.

Students gamboled in contests and dances, pulled the rope, sang and joked ...In the tug of war the strongest team was from the Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization.

Best art object, according to the jury, has prepared the Faculty of Economics; the most generous magic tablecloth was at of the Faculty of of Veterinary Medicine; best peddler recognized member of the Council of Inter-Ethnic SSAU; most colorful stuffed Winters made the Accounting and Finance Department; the brightest creative room showed the Faculty of Economics, and the most unusual dish of pancakes fashioned students of the electricity department.

Festival symbols: stuffed winter, inflatable solar discs, live dance, folk songs, sonorous peddlers and puppets painted palette campus in bright, gzhel, lush green meadows and dazzling colors, in a word, to paint a rainbow of warm spring. There were also fairy tales characters...

Creative university groups involved in the colorful kaleidoscope of absolutely all the participants of the festival, which is circled as restless spinning! And, of course, they were happy to share the secret of making pancakes.

- We baked pancakes with a soul and a lot of love, because they were preparing for a loved Agricultural University! - Said a student of the Hospitality and Tourism Faculty.

In Russia Maslenitsa festivities demonstrations were organized in the XVIII century, and even the Russian tsars were treated to a holiday with increased attention. Own contribution to the Maslenitsa made Catherine II, who, by virtue of origin (it was from one of the German principalities), did not know the roots of Russian folk tradition and has entered into use fancy carnivals with elements of kitsch and theatrical parody. Interestingly, it was then that festival became a symbol of pancakes, personifying the sun.

As a result, to the XX century in Russia there was a firmly entrenched tradition of meeting spring nationwide festivities, rejoicing and feasting during Pancake Week.

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  12

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