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To have harvest - the crops need care!


Within the cooperation of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Management of SSAU there was a meeting with a strategic partner of joint-stock company "Mineral and Chemical Company" EuroChem ", dedicated to the study and application of new nitrogen fertilizers, which help to reduce nitrogen losses upon the occurrence of stress: drought, excessive rainfall, as well as to improve yield and quality of crops, soil fertility, fertilizer efficiency and other means of application of chemicals.

Lectures of the department of plant physiology and biochemistry in the process introduced to the guests, manager for the development of agrochemical service "EuroChem" Maria Vizirskuya, with the equipment and capabilities of the laboratory "agrochemical analysis." There also was held visit to the farming Ltd. "Luch" in Novoselitskiy district, one of the largest and most successful developing seed organizations of Stavropol Territory, which bears the title "high farming economy", and the peasant farm Stefan Stefanovic Vodopiyanov located on the territory of the land municipal education Nozdrachyov Petrovsky district. This farm uses direct seeding cultivation of crops throughout the area of land use. Scientists of Agricultural University, practitioners, representatives of the company discussed the issues bookmarks production experiments on a new universal liquid nitrogen fertilizer with high economic effect issued by OA "Mineral and Chemical Company" EuroChem ", CAS-32 and CAS + S. Scientists estimate that 100 billion rubles are spent annually in the Russian mineral fertilizer, about 30 billion lost to waste due to inefficient nitrogen nutrition. The proportion of use of nitrogen fertilizers in Russia is 64%, or 1.54 million tons. Further, experts have outlined a roadmap - experience tab row crop using a complex mineral fertilizer Easy Start, which makes the German company Compo. Easy Start is an innovative line of microgranular fertilizer with high phosphorus content and a balanced composition of minerals and nitrogen for local application during sowing.

University scientists believe that the distinguishing feature of these fertilizers - low application rate (20 kg / ha) and the level of absorption of food items - will help farmers to grow a good crop.

Дата новости для фото:  11.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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