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In SSAU the methodology of scientific research was discussed


In the Stavropol State Agrarian University there was the methodological seminar on "Methodology of scientific research" with the participation of graduate students, doctoral students and young scientists of economic accounting and financial faculties.

V. Ovchinnikov shared the experience of scientific research – Doctor of Economics, professor, head of the theory and practice of state regulation of the economy department of the Southern Federal University, director of the North Caucasus Research Institute of Economic and Social Problems of the Southern Federal University, Honored Scientist of Russia. Ketova N. - Doctor of Economics, professor, head of marketing and communications in the business department of the Southern Federal University, vice chairman of the doctoral dissertation council, Honored Scientist of Russia - spoke on "Marketing in the XXI century .: answers to the challenges of the modern economy, new strategies and technologies».

During the seminar there were held individual consultations on master's and doctoral theses of young scientists and Economic Accounting and Finance Department. 

Дата новости для фото:  14.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  14

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