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Artifacts of Ministry of Finance regional museum - witnesses of Russia's financial system formation


First-year students of Accounting and Finance Faculty visited the museum of the financial business located in the Stavropol Territory Ministry of Finance.

The excursion took place in the framework of the All-Russian week of financial competence for children and youth, implementation of the project "Assistance to improve the financial competence of the population and the development of financial education in the Russian Federation" and the regional program "Improving the financial competence level of the population of the Stavropol Territory and the development of financial education in the Stavropol region on 2014-2016”.

«The idea of creating a departmental museum appeared in 2002 when the Ministry of Finance of Russia was 200 years old. Today financiers continue the started business, they are the guardians of public funds, which are now called with a new word – budgetary», - Valentina Kornilova, the museum head, told the guys. The exposition museum is made up of models of genre scenes from the life of financial workers from different historical periods, historical professional attributes: scores with worn beads, arithmometer, armlets, which neat accountants wore not to stain shirt sleeves, inkwell, paperweights. Also in the museum you can get acquainted with the banknotes collections of Russia and other countries.

The guys visited the museum with interest, noting that the birth and formation of the country's financial system have deep historical roots, so the study of finance science is impossible without the excursion into the past of the state.    

Дата новости для фото:  16.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  6

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