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Optimization of information activities with the help of innovative web technologies


A webinar dedicated to web technologies in the university information support, PR-instruments of the admission campaign 2016, organization peculiarities of educational institution publicity was held in SSAU.

The webinar organized by the publishing house "Accreditation in Education", was attended by vice-rectors of SSAU: V. Morozov, А. Maryin, representatives of deans, the executive secretary of admissions committee A. Kobozev, chairman of the student union committee N. Golovin, experts of Information Technologies Center, the press service, heads of departments, the activists of the "Media School", bloggers.

Participants of the online webinar discussed issues on optimizing the admission campaign, got acquainted with the operational monitoring mechanisms of the educational institution official site, the possibility of promoting on specific examples, and examined the features of the various search engines. 

Дата новости для фото:  16.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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