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26 young students and researchers of SSAU became diploma receivers of competition "Development of agriculture of the South of Russia"


The results of the IV All-Russian competition of research projects of pupils, students, undergraduates, graduate students, researchers and specialists "Development of agriculture of the South of Russia" are ready.

This year the contest, which took place on the basis of Anapa KubSAU branch, joined 113 participants from 17 educational organizations. География конкурса была представлена 11 регионами Российской Федерации.

The jury assessed 93 competing projects. Organizing Committee identified three areas: agronomic, technical, economic. Members of the Expert Council noted the quality growth of presented scientific and practical research.

The main objective of the competition is the development of student's youth initiatives in the country's agro-industrial complex. According to the results a digest of research projects theses was published.

26 students of Accounting and Finance Faculty received awards. Congratulations to the winners and their scientific advisers:

Anna Skorobogatova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor A. Bobrishev)

Zarina Khalikova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor O. Uglitskikh)

Natalia Orekhova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Professor N. Kulish)

Irina Ivanova, Tatyana Serenko (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I. Glotova)

Victoria Arzamastsev (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I.Podkolzina)

Elena Babenko (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor E. Tomilina),

Oksana Krivonosova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I. Glotova),

Hadizhat Rabadanova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor O. Uglitskikh),

Christina Sankina (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor I. Glotova),

Alena Chursina (scientific adviser: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor L. Agarkova)

Jaroslav Tsibulko (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Y. Klishina)

Valentina Tsovina (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor A. Bobrishev)

Albina Khalidova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor O. Uglitskikh),

Sabina Khalidova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, associate professor O. Uglitskikh),

Alexander Ivanova, Julia Ivanova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor N. Kulish)

Valery Malysheva (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor N. Kulish)

Alexander Sidorenko (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior teacher M. Feskova)

Tatyana Lomakina (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, senior teacher M. Feskova),

Evgenia Mikheeva (scientific adviser: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Е. Kostiukova),

Anna Valiaeva (scientific adviser: Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor Е. Kostiukova),

Nelli Agafonova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor N. Kulish),

Daria Konnova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, professor N. Kulish),

Viktoriya Kazakova (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor S. Grishanova),

Elvira Babaeva, Laura Botasheva (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor S. Grishanova),

Danil Kucherenko (scientific adviser: Candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor Y. Klishina).

Дата новости для фото:  17.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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