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Achievements of SSAU scientists were noted at the General Meeting of members of the Russian Academy of Sciences.


Today, the Rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I.Trukhachev took part in the General Meeting of the Russian Academy of Sciences - one of the most important events of the annual cycle of life of the Academy.

At a meeting devoted to the results of the past year, a report on the achievements and discoveries, as well as the discussion and adoption of the provisions of the RAS branches on areas and fields of science, acted the Prime Minister Dmitriy Medvedev, Deputy Prime Minister Arkadiy Dvorkovich. In both speeches, one of the challenges facing the modern united Academy, ensuring food security of Russia was called.

The forum of country's scientific elite was opened by the President of the Academy Vladimir Fortov. Among the high-profile work - synthesis of four new chemical elements of the periodic Mendeleev table; participation in the opening of gravitational waves, NIKA collider project in Dubna (Moscow-area), and others-president of the Russian Academy of Sciences mentioned the appearance of the unique breed of cattle, authorizing the increase in weight of about 1.3 kg per day.

SSAU scientists have a direct ratio to the developing "Dmitrievskiy" whiteface type, which meant Vladimir Fortov, In 2015, under the leadership of the Rector V.I.Truhachev - corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor and the creative team of our scientists with the participation of the All-Russian Research Institute of sheep and goat breeding (senior researcher A.M. Petrova, professor M.P. Dubovskaya, professor of Russian Academy of Sciences, doctor of biological sciences M. Selikonova), practicing scientists of agricultural production co-operative "Rodina" Krasnogvardeyskiy region (L.G. Dushka, Dmitry Yarovoy) was established a new highly specialized "Dmitrievsky" a whiteface type, adapted to local conditions feeding and maintenance.

The result of Stavropol scientists is the first achievement of breeding cattle in the North Caucasus region, aimed at import substitution of genetic material.

Work on the type was launched in 2002. The original population was the animals imported from the best breeding enterprises of Nizhny Novgorod, Rostov and Chelyabinsk regions. For an array of animals with larger body shapes, stretched and surround the body with pronounced long time growing and well adapted to grazing in a Stavropol hornless bulls used exclusively foreign selection, mostly Canadian, which is most consistent with the requirements of model animals.

Work on the creation of a new type carried out under the molecular genetic control. Every year, all young breeder was subjected to immuno expertise authenticity of origin. Breeding bulls and cows breeding nucleus were tested for the absence of genetic chromosomal abnormalities.

The live weight of calves for fattening to 18 months reaches 550 - 560 kg, which exceeds the foreign analogues indicators and a half hundredweight. It is very important that the body fat redistributed into muscle tissue that form the most valuable feature - the marbling meat of young beef. In addition, the carcasses of young whiteface flesh have the highest coefficient - 5.85. That is, the flesh of 6 kg has 1 kg of bones. It is economically effective and can be confirmed by the scientists of the University, graduate students and students of the Faculty of Technology Management, who study the products in production and technological laboratory for the production of meat.

Breeding cattle "Dmitrievsky" type is in favour. According to the head livestock specialist of agricultural production co-operative "Rodina", in 2015 the neighboring regions bought twice as many animals, and the interest is still growing. University scientists continue to develop the achieved results and work to improve «Dmitrievskiy» whiteface type, despite the fact, that it is already clear that the result of their work is the product of premium-class and domestically made! 

Дата новости для фото:  22.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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