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Innovative projects and technological developments of SSAU received top awards at the HI-TECH exhibition.


14 projects of SSAU scientists were awarded medals in the competition "The best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year", which was held in St. Petersburg within the framework of the review of advanced ideas HI-TECH.

Stavropol State Agrarian University - a constant participant of the St. Petersburg Technical Fair and Exhibition "High Technologies. Innovation. Investments »(HI-TECH). This year, 15 applications were submitted. Expert Council, consisting of experts Research Institute - Republican Research Scientific-Consulting Centre for Expertise, said 3 of the Diploma of I degree being awarded the gold medal, 11 - Diploma of II degree being awarded a silver medal. Also, a work received a special diploma of the participant, and the Stavropol State Agrarian University was awarded a diploma "For the active participation and contribution to the scientific and industrial spheres."

Exhibitors and competitors noticed that, despite the unstable economic situation, the Fair and Congress remain an important event in the business calendar of the industry, and each project submitted to the competition proves the dynamics of innovation.

Gold medal of the competition was given to the following works of SSAU scientists:

"Automated information complex software products to assess the potential of the agricultural organizations and identify the reserves for the construction of the system of import" (Authors: V.I. Trukhachev - Rector, Corresponding Member of RAS, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Doctor of Economics, Professor Y. M . Sklyarova -; I.Y. Sklyarov - Doctor of Economic Sciences, Professor; T.G. Gurnovich - Doctor of Economics, Professor, L.A. Latysheva - the candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; E.N. Lapina - candidate of Economics Science, Associate, Professor; E. A. Ostapenko - candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor; Skrebtsova T.V. - candidate of Economic Sciences, Associate Professor, N.V. Sobchenko - candidate of Economic Sciences, senior lecturer in "Financial management and banking");

"Innovative methods of crops productivity software based on monitoring of soil fertility in the conditions of the Central Pre-Caucasus" (Authors: A.N. Esaulko - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor V.V. Ageev - Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor L.S. Gorbatko - candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, M.S. Sigida - candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor O. Y. Lobankova, Associate Professor A.A. Belovolova - candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor , S.A. Korostylev - candidate Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor , Y.I. Grechishkina - candidate of Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, E.V. Golosnoy - candidate of Agricultural Sciences, A.V. Voskoboynikov - candidate of Agricultural Sciences; assistants: A.Y. Fursov, E.A. Salenko , I.A. Gorbatko);

"Information-measuring monitoring system of levels of light oil products tank farms on the basis of multi-channel capacitive transducers" (Authors: M.A. Mastepanenko - Candidate of Technical Sciences, General Director of "Electroimpulse"; I.N. Vorotnikov - Head of the department, Associate Professor; I.K. Sharipov - Associate Professor of theory of Electrical Engineering; Sh. Zh. Gabrielyan - Associate Professor of the Department of automation, electronics and metrology of electricity Faculty; programmers: S.V. Anikuev - Associate Professor of theory of electrical Engineering , Faculty of the electrification in Agriculture and A.F. Shatalov - Associate Professor of theory of electrical Engineering Faculty of electrification in Agriculture; A.A. Gurkovsky - 4th year student of the Faculty of electrification in Agriculture; S.S. Bairamaliev - 4th year student of the Faculty of electrification in Agriculture; ergonomic refinement: K.A. Falco - 5 th year student of the Faculty of electrification in Agriculture, D.S . Taranukha - 4th year student of the Faculty of electrification in Agriculture).

Silver medals were awarded author teams of scientists for the work: "The technology of deep processing of poultry waste to produce biogas, granulated fertilizers, protein concentrate and biologically active substances", "Dual-fuel system of diesel power with automatic adapter use of rapeseed oil as a fuel", "Improving sealing materials on the parameters of wear resistance and durability, "" model installation "Mountain air" to create an artificial climate conditions cleanse the outside air in the confined space of a biological organism of bee colonies - beehive "," computer program "Management accounting cost of quality" (UUZNK) program the project "evaluation of investment attractiveness of the enterprises of the dairy industry in the region", "Information subsystem to encrypt and digitally sign electronic documents on agribusiness enterprises", "Automated information system" integrated evaluation of investment projects "," Single-armored transformer (reactor) "," Energy Saving an electromagnetic device to reduce losses of food products during prolonged storage "," Biologically active preparations based on bee products to improve the resistance of the organism and the treatment of animals in diseases and parasitic infectious etiology.

Participant's diploma was given to a creative team of scientists of the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine for the development of treatments for infectious diseases "overbarrier" animals organs.

The competition "The best innovative project and the best scientific and technical development of the year" was attended by more than 300 projects. Total activity of Stavropol State Agrarian University scientists on the given topic was a clear indication of their professionalism and commitment to progressive dynamic science. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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