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SSAU scientists – professors of RAS - were involved in the work of the Russian Academy of Sciences


Dean of the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources and the Faculty of Ecology of Architecture and Landscape, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor A,N. Esaulko and head of the department of physiology, surgery and obstetrics, Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor A.N. Kvochko participated in the first general meeting of the RAS professors, which was held in the Great Hall of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

A. N. Kvochko said that the main challenge facing the professorial staff, is not only a part in the creation of development strategy of the Academy in the coming years, but also the implementation of new functions RAS appearing considering reforms. "This is - scientific advice, the proposal of legislative initiatives. Professors of RAS will work in the Scientific Councils of the Academy, to participate in the discussion of scientific and organizational issues and problems of development of high technologies, as well as where you want the knowledge of current trends and high academic qualifications ", - said the scientist.

President of the Russian Academy of Sciences V.E. Fortov focused on the fact that between fundamental scientific developments and their practical implementation - a huge gap. This process needs to be a logical conclusion. Another important, in my opinion, the time - the scientists involved in expert activities on targeted programs, development finance institutions. The researchers – professors of RAS – investigate in leap-ahead areas of modern science and can objectively evaluate the importance of these projects – considers A.N. .Esaulko.

At the general meeting of RAS professors it was also raised issues of communication science and education. Attraction of professors working in modern science, to teach in high schools, will modernize the training of young scientists. It is also an important activity of the community of RAS professors to popularize science and promote scientific advances. Wide audience should understand that the invention and scientists research ultimately aimed at improving the quality of life of people, for example, new instruments, methods and tools in medicine help to improve health, new materials and services - to simplify everyday life.

Let us recall, the title of the professor of Russian Academy of Sciences was established in September 2015. Applicants were selected from among the Russian scientists who are not members of the Academy, but with undeniable scientific merits, received worldwide recognition, real achievements and indifferent attitude to the development of science in Russia. 

Дата новости для фото:  23.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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