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The American chef Jack Saporn gave "Delicious" master class for students of the Faculty of Social and Cultural Service and Tourism


Guest from the United States, experienced traveler and a gourmet chef D. Saporn already held master class in the culinary arts with students of the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism.

Then he shared the secret of traditional American apple pie with cinnamon and vanilla ice cream. This time Jack Saporn together with the teacher assistant professor of tourism and service K.Y. Mikhailova and students of SSAU prepared an amazing carrot cake. Workshop finished friendly tea party, all members of the cooking party had a chance to practice speaking English, learned a lot of traveling around the world from the American visitor observations and delicious dessert recipe took them into service for the joy of your family and friends!

Indeed, most people nowadays know the world visually and in taste. Just cooking often people embody the imagination, trying to combine the beauty and taste in one product.

Workshops are ongoing for the preparation of interesting desserts with Jack Sapornom in English at SSAU. Sign up for a class; you can do it at the Institute of Additional Education or by phone 24-77-23. 

Дата новости для фото:  28.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  8

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