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Objects of Tourism Industry - "testing ground" for the acquisition of professional knowledge


Students of the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism visited the facilities of the tourism industry in the Caucasian Mineral Waters.

Visiting enterprises of tourist-recreational and spa complex of Caucasian Spas is part of a program of workshops for students of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism of SSAU.

- We consider it important to focus training to familiarize our students with the prospects for further work in the tourism industry, - says Head of the Department "Tourism and Service", associate professor A.V. Trukhachev. - Tourism industry will definitely need young staff, who has a great desire to go forward, to develop and bring new ideas to the tourist industry, to develop resort infrastructure. Students should not only possess the fundamental knowledge about tourism, but also to understand the current situation in the industry to build a successful career. This helps them to communicate with the leaders of objects of tourist-recreational and spa complex of Stavropol Territory, who share invaluable experience and provide concrete advice to children on employment. Faculty signed an agreement on mutual cooperation with the best creative enterprises of the hotel industry, catering and tourism.

The workshop was organized with the support of the Public Chamber of the Stavropol Territory member V.I. Mikhailenko, who for a long time headed the administration of the Caucasian Mineral Waters - specially protected eco-resort region of the Russian Federation - and has made a significant contribution to its development.

The first object, which was attended by students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University, became the "air gateway of the region" - "International Airport Mineralnye Vody". The students met the Deputy General Director of OAO "International airport Mineral Waters” S.N. Chalov. Students visited the airport complex, VIP-room, examined the "presidential" zone in which arriving passengers the highest echelons of power. S.N. Chalov spoke about the importance of the airport to the promotion of tourism and recreational services, noting that with the commissioning of the new runway length of 3,900 meters, began a new stage in the life Mineralnyie air harbor. The airport was able to accept all types of aircraft, including long-haul aircraft Boeing-747. Annual passenger traffic increased by 1 million people.

Students of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism were the first universities to delegations who visited the airport after the completion of its renovation. The children appreciated the opening of two luxury rooms, is a separate complex with its own front entrance and landscaped parking area. Students interested specialists’ passenger service system, the work of marketing services, logistics facilities, features training service.

- Caucasian Mineral Waters can be developed indefinitely, - said S. Berths. - The market of tourist services is actively developing and requires highly skilled, deeply educated, young professionals. Now is the time of the new standards and requirements, and the higher the qualification of the personnel, the more successful the business. One of the most important points on which employers pay attention to objects of tourism industry including ours, transport and logistics complex, - knowledge of a foreign language. This is a big bonus to the basic knowledge, is that expanding professional horizons of young professionals. The higher the intellectual level of the staff, especially in the tourism industry more efficient and easier to operate, develop new directions and introduce advanced technology.

The next object of the workshop was the modern enterprise of the European class of AO "Caucasian Mineral Waters", producing mineral water "Novoterskaya celebnaya." General Director of AO "Kavminvody" N.I. Lobach in a lecture format outlined the way of enterprise development, the formation of an interest in achieving high performance team. He told the students about the history of the discovery on the Caucasian Mineral Waters sources of mineral water, becoming the largest production plant for bottling of healing water. "It formed a reserve of health, - said N. Lobach. - For 22 years the existence of production we have achieved the main thing - to preserve and bring to the consumer a unique water in the form in which it was created by nature. The main strategic objective of AO "Caucasian Mineral Waters" - ensuring flawless quality products, full compliance with its domestic and international standards and requirements of the consumer. "

Just rewards enterprise were showed to students - medals and diplomas of prestigious Russian and international exhibitions in Berlin, Dubai, Cairo, Paris, Cologne and other cities around the world and Russia.

Technical Director of AO “Kavminvody” V.P. Evgrafiev guided tour to the factory, where students were able to witness the entire process of the line bottling of mineral water" Novoterskaya celebnaya" and drinking water" Novoterskaya "in glass bottles. Both lines are high. They allow pouring up to 36 million. bottles per year. V.P. Evgrafiev answered the students' questions, which related equipment companies, transport logistics, participation in international exhibitions and other interesting guys so.

Next, the students went to Zheleznovodsk, where they were met by the chief Service Sanatorium "Oak Grove" Russian President Administration LA Pankov. She held a workshop on the theme of work features a year-round balneological resorts. Students visited the main building, in the lobby, which is well-room with mineral water "Zheleznovodsk" type, familiarized with the special treatment programs, with individual dietary, medical-diagnostic base. The children were interested in the organization of tourist services, leisure and recreation, health resort brand positioning - the traditions of "the Kremlin medicine." LA Pankov answered all questions and invite the children to try their professional competence by passing practice in the leading resorts of CMS.

The workshop continued with the famous mud baths named by O.N. Semashko in Yessentuki. Head L.V.Fedorova students conducted an unusual tour, which allowed the children not only flesh out existing knowledge about the health resort business, but also opened a historical layer of creating one of the most famous mud baths Russia. Students learned that the facility was built 101 years ago, the project of academician E.F. Shrettera. He created a true architectural pattern, choosing to form mud baths of ancient classics. In developing the project, the architect used the latest addition to the time requirements of equipment, spa treatment and hygiene. Essentukskaya mud baths occupies half of the quarter in the center of Yessentuki and impresses with its austere beauty and attractiveness. At this enterprise sanatorium branch honored ancestral traditions of mud treatment, as one of the most effective methods of rehabilitation. Revitalizing effect on the body due to the unique composition of sulphide silt mud lake Tambukan, located 38 km from the town of Essentuki. Despite the remoteness of construction, mud baths preserved in full all of its functionality and is equipped with modern equipment. Currently, mud-cures - a medical complex with well-functioning complex engineering equipment, infrastructure, transmission equipment and facilities, support personnel, designed to provide the process for release mud-bath treatments.

Despite the remoteness of construction, mud baths preserved in full all of its functionality and is equipped with modern equipment. Currently, mud-cures - a medical complex with well-functioning complex engineering equipment, infrastructure, transmission equipment and facilities, support personnel, designed to provide the process for release mud-bath treatments.

The students visited one of the 4 buildings, the design capacity which is 2,500 procedures per day. At the end of the tour guys asked L.V. Fedorova as interrelated spa facilities, such as mud baths behalf of N. A. Semashko and tourist service. Head said that now the market has formed spa services, and as a result, it became necessary to ensure profitable operation of health resorts. In this regard, in sanatoriums, new positions, divisions and whole areas that were not previously submitted in this area (marketing, service centers, animation, etc.). However, the traditional therapeutic and recreational national sanatorium system, which we are justly proud, requires specialist knowledge of the foundations of non-medical balneology. For the most effective use of health centers must have resort infrastructure, i.e. system of material objects and activities to provide spa services to the public health-promoting. Therefore, the successful work of the spa facilities depends on the improvement of technology and increase the quality of service the resort.

Program exit of the workshop ended with a visit congress hotel "Intourist". There the students met the general director of OOO "Pyatigorsk-Intour" D.G. Bogdanov and Deputy General Director of the travel agency “Rovita tour" T.F Andrienko. The meeting was held in the meeting room, 16-storey hotel complex, located in the heart of the business district of North Caucasus Federal District and the spa capital - the city of Pyatigorsk.

T.F. Andrienko told the students about the details of the sale of the tourist product, the modern methods of trading, as well as the specifics and peculiarities of the tourism business.

D.G. Bogdanov paused on the traditions prevailing in the Congress Hotel. He noted that the "Intourist" for 30 years has been a leader in the tourism industry CMW continues the best tradition of the hotel, enriches their innovative approach to guest service. The hotel offers perfect conditions for business: business meetings, seminars, conferences, presentations, exhibitions.

- In our industry it is impossible to work if you're not in love with the hospitality industry. Yes, it is very difficult, sometimes unpredictable activity, but extremely interesting, - said the D.G. Bogdanov. - It requires creativity, not a generic approach, non-standard steps. And in this we rely on young professionals. We are not afraid to recruit young professionals to practice openly invite students of directions. Do not be afraid to experiment, offer fresh ideas, use innovative approaches and techniques, because the tourism industry is a dynamic, "living" industry, the first time responds to all requests.

The results of the workshop were summarized by V.I. Mikhaylenko:

- I am very pleased to communicate with people who have decided to link their lives with the hotel business, resort business. I myself was 12 years General Director of "Intourist", he worked with an incredible pleasure. It was a large farm, which includes hotels, motels, travel agencies, car fleet, camping, dozens of guides and interpreters. I had already learned that the country's huge problems in the sphere of tourism, resort business, it is necessary to learn from international experience, learn to work in this industry. I have understood the idea and concept of V.I .Trukhacheva the opening of the Faculty of Socio-Cultural Service and Tourism. Rector of SSAU always in trend, and one day he asked, "Why do not we use the Caucasian Mineral Waters as a basic platform for the workshops to future professionals of tourism industry saw the best hotels, best resorts, best travel agencies, companies resort infrastructure," It was decided to create a permanent workshop for students of the faculty at the CMW. The project is headed by the candidate of economic sciences A.Y. Lebedev, A.V. Mikhailenko and Head of the department "Tourism and service" A.V. Trukhachev.

Completing an unusual school day, V.I. Mikhaylenko urged children to absorb as much experience and remember that human values ​​are the same everywhere: "You will never regret choosing this direction - to acquaint people with the world, to create the conditions for high-quality multi-faceted recreation, and thus, to give joy and happiness!"

Дата новости для фото:  28.03.2016
Номер новости для фото:  5

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