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Lectures in English at SSAU - the realities of the modern higher school


There was hold the first lecture of the series in English devoted to the elections in the Russian Federation In the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

2016 is decisive in the formation of public power in our country. September 18, 2016, in a single day of voting citizens of Russia will be elected at the same time, virtually all levels of people's power.

The first public lecture in English on the theme: "The role and significance of the elections in the formation of public authorities» ("The role and importance of elections in forming bodies of public power"). The lecture was delivered by Doctor of Law, Professor, and Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation V.A.Cherepanov.

At the lecture were invited and took part in it the chairman of the Electoral Commission of Stavropol Territory E.V. Dem'yanov and director of the International School of Languages ​​"International House" NI Shchipakina. The lecture was attended by 200 students of the Faculty of Economics and Faculty of socio-cultural service and tourism, as well as teachers of the Stavropol State Agrarian University.

An opening address was delivered by Vice President for Academic and educational work of the Stavropol State Agrarian University I.V.Atanov. He noted that the study of a foreign language - a priority direction of development of training in the Agrarian University, as without knowledge of foreign languages ​​as a means of international communication is impossible to imagine the modern university graduate.

This series of lectures has been prepared on the initiative of the department of state and municipal government and law. It aroused great interest among the students who at the end of the first lecture unanimously asked V.A .Cherepanov: "When will be the next lecture?" 

Дата новости для фото:  01.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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