In the Stavropol Region the specialized exhibition "Agrouniversal-2016" has completed its work, one of the co-organizers was the Stavropol State Agrarian University.
This largest show of advanced industrial achievements gathered leaders among manufacturers of agricultural machinery. For 18-year history of "Agrouniversal" has firmly established itself as a highly effective platform for business negotiations and contacts allowing to build an open dialogue between producers and consumers of agricultural products.
Scientific development of the SSAU scientists were presented by separate unit. "Today the development of agriculture can not be imagined without extensive research. This is evident even to those who used to work in the old way, relying on the old proven techniques - the rector of the Stavropol State Agrarian University V.I. Trukhachev considers. – Now the time dictates new rules only following them can promote to achieve this success".
Over the years the university researchers have made significant progress in solving the urgent problems of the region's agro-industrial complex. Their development and achievements they demonstrated in the central exposition.
Also the exhibits were presented by more than 80 companies from eight regions of the Russian Federation including Stavropol Region, Moscow and Belarus. The exhibits were dedicated to the production and supply of agricultural and automotive equipment, spare parts, equipment for food processing industry as well as the production of plant protection products, fertilizers, containers and many other things necessary for agriculture.
Exhibitors noted that in today's difficult economic conditions on the background of import substitution, the big bet stacks on the modernization of agriculture complex, especially for equipping farms with the latest machines.
As part of the exhibition the All-Russian scientific-practical conference "Actual problems of the agro-industrial complex of scientific and technological progress" was held with the participation of scientists of the SSAU. Also round tables were held where discussed the issues of improving the efficiency of agricultural businesses in crisis were held and the principles of social partnership as a priority in the field of youth policy of formation of personnel potential of the agro-industrial complex.
On the final day of the exhibition the official closing ceremony and presentation of diplomas of the participants was held.

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