9 finalists of the traditional final show of the contest "Miss University" took the stage in the assembly hall of the SSAU to challenge the "crown of beauty".
The competition is carried out for 17 years. The initiator of the carrying out was the rector of the university V.I. Trukhachev. He has started the journey in the world of elegance, beauty and charm: "It is wonderful when the youth strives for something! We have to live in an active, bright way, sometimes be patient, but to give always pleasure to ourselves and other! "
There was not enough room to swing a cat in the hall: all seats were occupied, and the most persistent supporters applauded three and a half hours of competition from the passages.
The jury of competition consisted of representatives from the city administration, youth organizations, business leaders and the fashion industry.
Everyone was waiting for the appearance of the nine beauties. The first appearance of the girls was virtual - in a video format. And then on stylishly with flowers decorated and pleated with fabric canopy stage came the participants of the contest. They had not only to demonstrate the scenic image, creativity, but also intelligence, quick wit, sense of humor. Detailed portrait of contenders was formed of points of each stage. Under the unceasing applause the girls transferred spectators in the fantasy atmosphere, hot East, hot Caucasus, Viking epoch, Russian folk art. The moderator of the show, head of the center of aesthetic education of students, Ivan Maklakov, creative groups of the university supported the emotional degree of the holiday. All evening the university was engulfed in a powerful energy of inspiration, creativity, love, beauty, and love of life.
Before announcing the name of the winner the rector of the SSAU Vladimir Trukhachev said that absolutely all participants of the contest perfectly coped with tasks. "This aura, these wonderful moments, beautiful memories will stay with you for whole life. For me all of you are the best. Therefore each participant will get 20 scholarships".
The title "Miss University" was awarded to the student of the faculty for agrobiology and land resources Daria Filimonova. «1st Vice Miss University" became Ekaterina Svetlichnaya (faculty for accounting and finance). «2nd Vice Miss University" - Galina Filippova (faculty for economiy). "Miss Style" - Veronica Zhernovnikova (faculty for socio-cultural service and hospitality), "Miss Grace" – Veronica Belousova (faculty for technology management), "Miss Artistry" – Anastasia Belikh (faculty for ecology and landscape architecture), "Miss Extravagance" – Victoria Zagrebelnikova (faculty for agricultural mechanization), "Miss Charm" – Valeriya Jogan (faculty for electrical energy), "Miss Charm" – Elena Kastarnova (faculty for veterinary medicine). In a separate nomination "Miss Photo" won Galina Filippova (faculty for economy).
The contest "Miss University 2016" ended. His final show was opened by 9 beautiful and charming girls who were awarded on merit. All of them study at our university, and it is wonderful. Long live the beauty of the SSAU!

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