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The rules of modern etiquette - the theme of an open master class for students in the SSAU


Today at the Agrarian University the premiere open master class on etiquette and table setting was held.

The initiative to hold such classes belongs to the rector V.I. Trukhachev. "Modern educated young man needs to know not only the basics of the business ceremonial, but also the history of the European table manners, tradition of high service. Today this is the requirement of time for successful people. Namely, these graduates preparing our university, "- said the rector.

The master class was held throughout the day in the winter garden of the SSAU. Students from all faculties have become participants of excursion into the social history of Europe and applied art, aesthetic immersion in the world of high etiquette.

Deputy Dean of the faculty for socio-cultural service and hospitality A.G. Ivolga and the assistant of the department of tourism and service T.A. Radishauskas told the students and demonstrated traditional and modern fashion innovation restaurant etiquette. How the table is served on a particular occasion? Why and what devices are used and objects? How to use all this? What are the secrets of high service and luxury European luxury restaurants? Students have received answers to these and other questions.

"Tableware – it is really high art, but, as we saw today, it is available to everyone. It turns out, correctly position the plate and put cutlery is half the battle - shared his impressions of the master-class student of socio-cultural service and hospitality Valerya Yefimova. - To lay the table - is a harmonious work, and here plays the role of everything from the shape and length of the table and ending with a vase of flowers".

At the time, Academician I.P. Pavlov said: "Useful food - a food with appetite, eating with pleasure". Therefore, it is taken from all the nations to desire before eating: "Bon Appetit!" Taste quality of food can and should be complemented by a beautiful serving table - it stimulates the appetite and helps to improve mood. A table cover, as the everyday and festive - it is a great skill that is honed for centuries. Flowers, tablecloth, tableware, napkins - everything should bring satisfaction, make a pleasant meal.

Institute of additional education of the Stavropol GAU prepared 10 hours course of table etiquette. Students who wish to delve deeper into this vital topic for the modern man can learn it more subtle craft. The knowledge gained will help them to understand the secret of using numerous tableware, art location-art facilities and many other details, but most importantly, the young people will always be able to get pleasure from eating and look with honor even among the world istablishment. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  22

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