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Startup - the basis of starting a business


At the Faculty for economy the lecture in English «How to start start-up» was held.

Lecture was delivered by Associate Professor of department for Information Systems I.V. Fedorenko. In the introductory talk was given definition of "Startup - a company that has just been created and, as a rule, is not even registered as a legal entity. It is usually constructed on innovative ideas and the latest technologies. The main distinguishing feature of startups - the lack of funding". She elaborated on the characteristics and complexity of creating startups. Emphasized that among the sources of funding for the development of their ideas is the most favorable state, and held an excursion into the history of the world-famous projects for minimal investments brought great profits to their creators, told about current developments in the field of IT.

Interesting presentations made by the students. They talked about the forums, competitions, grant events held in Russia ("Mashuk", "UMNIK", "START", "Tavrida"), enabling young innovators to develop and implement development. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  18

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