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The conference "Agricultural science - North Caucasian Region"


In the Stavropol State Agrarian University hosted a section of the humanities departments in the framework of the 81st scientific conference of the SSAU "Agricultural science - the North Caucasus region".

The forum began with the welcome speech of the head of the section - the candidate of philosophical sciences, associate professor N.G. Guzynin, who noted the contribution of agricultural science in the development of agricultural production of our country, outlined the main themes of the conference.

In operation, the section reports were presented, which caused a storm of discussion. An interesting and mutually enriching for the participants of the conference took place into sections interdisciplinary dialogue. In particular, the keen interest of the students called the report of Professor S.B. Kalinchenko "Socio-cultural development of the North Caucasus in the post-war period", the message of the senior teacher T.V. Kolesnikova "Psychological installation of teachers and students in the educational interaction", the performance of associate professor P.V. Tarasov "Physical preparedness of students to carry out All-Russian standards GTO complex" and others.

Concluding section, N.G. Guzynin stressed the importance and relevance of its holding. Discussed problem showed that science leads an active search for new and effective ways of formation of professional competence, introducing them to the practice of teaching. 

Дата новости для фото:  08.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  17

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