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Lectures in English are carried on - all interested are welcome!


The Departments of State and Municipal Management and Law of Faculty of Economics of the SSAU carry on the series of lectures in English on elections and electoral system of the Russian Federation.
The subject of the second lecture is «Elections of Deputies of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation». Lectures are given by V.A. Cherepanov, Doctor of Law, Professor, honored lawyer of the Russian Federation.

Globalization processes, the expansion of international contacts and co-operation have led to wide spread and strengthening of the English language role as a leading language of modern civilization. One of the priorities of language policy in the Stavropol State Agrarian University, which is a leading agricultural university in the country, is the greatest assistance in learning English and its expansion. This series of lectures illustrates it; and it is intended to those who want to improve language and keep pace with the global educational process.

The lecture will be given on April 14, 2016 at 14.30 in the auditorium number 43. All interested are welcome!

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