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The second class of graduates from the School of Young Politicians of the SSAU


At the Institute of Additional Professional Education, on the basis of Stavropol State Agrarian University, a festive presentation of the certificates to the 1st year students completed training on additional educational program "Young Politician" took place.

Certificates were presented by the program managers, associate professor N.G .Guzynin and the teachers of the Department of Philosophy and History.

School of Young Politician is not just a course; it is an opportunity to demonstrate your knowledge in practice. The formation of young people’s active citizenship, identification and support of the youth leaders are the main objectives of the School. While training students have raised their political literacy level and have learned to articulate their thoughts. Much attention was paid to development of leadership skills and public speaking skills. 

Дата новости для фото:  13.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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