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Service and Hospitality Week at the SSAU


Service and Hospitality Week in the south of Russia is being held by the Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism; in this regard, foreign delegation from Lithuania and Poland came to Stavropol State Agrarian University on a working visit.

As part of the Week public lectures are given and conferences are held. The main event is the IV International Scientific-Practical Conference "Sustainable Development of Tourism in Russia: international practice and the experience of Russia", which has been held today. The fourth consecutive year experts in the field of tourism and service have been able to share their experiences and discuss the latest changes in legislation and new trends in the tourism industry in the Russian Federation.

The event was opened by T.I. Likhachev, the Minister of Culture of Stavropol Territory. In her speech, she emphasized the major role of Stavropol State Agrarian University in development of Russian tourism. Further she said about relevance of the conference theme and the questions under discussion: «Today the industry of tourism is the fastest growing in the world, what’s unique here is that it is multifaceted and versatile for all terrains. For the Stavropol Territory tourism development is one of the most important field ​​- particularly rural, health and eco- tourism."

Report made by G. Buzhinskasa, the rector of the University of Applied Sciences from Utena (Lithuania), on legislative regulation of the educational sphere, the intricacies of the Bologna system and its effect on the example of the Republic of Lithuania was very topical. Aspects of training for the tourism sector and the problems faced by Lithuanian representatives are of current interest to the Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism in Russia.

Speech of A. Klochko-Gaevskaya, an assistant from Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland), on the activities of Association "The most beautiful villages" attracted genuine interest of all participants of the conference. He reported on a crucial role of the organization in developing countries and the prospects in Russia. E. Ferens, an assistant of Warsaw University of Life Sciences (Poland), talked about urban tourism - popular phenomenon in the world and in Europe in particular.

Research of the scientists of Geographical Institute "Yovovan Tsviich", Serbian Academy of Arts and Sciences, reported by D. Mark and Z. Bilach on lifecycle of agricultural tourism product was presented in the form of a teleconference; it did not affect its importance and unexpected evidence-based conclusions. The constant participant of the conference, Z. Buydosho, the director of Karoly Institute (Hungary), presented a study on the mutual influence of tourism and "green economy» on-line.

The participants discussed a wide range of issues of tourism development in Russia and in the world, current peculiarities of tourism and related industries development, issues of tourism development potential during crisis and instability. All the participants agreed that the conference is significant from the scientific and methodical point of view and it will give a new impulse to the development of joint international projects of the Faculty of Hospitality Business and Tourism

As the organizers of the conference along with Stavropol State Agrarian University are foreign universities from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, Lithuania, Romania, and Serbia. Proceedings of the conference, they are about 30 papers of foreign authors, were included in the collection of scientific works.

The Service and Hospitality Week is going on. The next conference in the program is "The bread and Wine."

Дата новости для фото:  14.04.2016 13:30:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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