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The SSAU team is first in Russia in the IV intellectual game "Novice Farmer"!


Team "Elite" represented Stavropol State Agrarian University in the IV intellectual game “Novice Farmer" is among the six victorious teams!

Their business plan "Production of the improved seed potato varieties of Russian breeding" has become a winner. Team members - A.Y. Gurueva, an assistant of the Department of Agricultural Chemistry and Plant Physiology; A.S. Krivosheev, the 1st year Master's Degree Student of Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources; V.Y. Svetlichnaya, the 3rd year student of the Faculty of Accounting and Finance - passed the critical design review successfully.
A round work table was organized before the award ceremony, where all winning teams were invited. To the captain of the SSAU team that presented on the jury’s opinion the most powerful innovation project it was offered to explain its meaning in detail. Summing up, Sergey Krivosheev thanked all the organizersof the event, the agricultural management of the university and personally Rector, Professor V.I. Trukhachev for strenuous efforts in supporting of young scientists’ initiatives. He also expressed a desire to increase funding of beginning farmers and assured: "In 5 years we’ll significantly increase the share of domestic seed potatoes in the Russian market." A. Gurueva said, that last year they also had taken part in this game and had shared experiences; "It was an impetus for the creation of our new project. And we are glad that our idea, our work was so highly appreciated." Victoria Svetlichnaya involved in this competition for the first time and it is a good practice, experience for her further work. Diplomas and prizes to the winners were presented by the Advisor of the Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, Dmitry I. Toropov, and the Director of the Department of Rural Development, V.P. Svezhenets.

It is to be recalled that the first stage of the game took place in 48 regions of Russia this year. They all presented their business ideas to the competent regional jury. The winners sent their business plans to the organizing committee. Experts estimated the project at various important criteria, 31out of 83 works were selected, and the project of Agricultural University was among them.

Authors of the best business plans gathered in Moscow for the final of the IV Intellectual games "Novice Farmer".28 teams took part in this long-awaited event. Developed p projects had to pass preliminary protection by their teams. The participants presented their projects and posters, as well as answered to the questions of the specialists, which were represented by the experts from Ministry of Agriculture of Russia, the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs, the Association of Peasant Farm Enterprises and agricultural cooperatives of Russia, JSC "Rosagroleasing", JSC "Rosselkhozbank”, the heads of peasant farm enterprises and the members of the Russian Union of Rural Youth.

Game "Novice Farmer" has been implemented by the Russian Union of Rural Youth in conjunction with the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia with the support of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation in order to develop students' business planning skills in agriculture, management, economics and management of agricultural enterprises, as well as to develop their ability to make administrative decisions and to work in team. Winners’ projects will be recommended for further participation in the departmental target program "Support for beginning farmers." Thus, the business plans of young farmers will have an opportunity to become a reality.

Дата новости для фото:  14.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  4

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