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The winners and prize-winners of the VII Territorial Olympiad of Student Working Teams were honored in the SSAU


It has been very busy today in Stavropol State Agrarian University; there was a ceremonial awarding of the winners of the VII Territorial Olympiad of Student Working Teams.

The ceremony was attended by winners, parents, school principals, and heads of regional education departments of municipal districts. As special guests, I.V. Kuvaldina, the Deputy Chairman of the Government of the Stavropol Territory and E.N. Kozyura, the Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Territory were invited.

The event was opened by the rector of Stavropol State Agrarian University, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, professor, member of the Duma of the Stavropol Territory, Hero of Labor, Honorary Citizen of the Stavropol Territory, V.I. Trukhachev. As always, he heartily welcomed everyone, created free and easy atmosphere of the event: "We have gathered today on a very important occasion - honoring of the winners of Territorial Olympiad of Student Working Teams. It has become a tradition, this Olympiad is the seventh. It means that the foundation has been laid and it is popular. Olympiad has gathered 788 pupils from 166 general educational institutions of municipal districts of the Stavropol Territory. It means that students want to take part in the competition and they have good reasons for it. We must always strive to go forward. Innovation, commitment, initiative are welcomed in our University. Today you are the leaders, the best in the region, do not stop and you’ll get a good result. I always wish you to win!" I.V. Kuvaldina, speaking to the audience emphasized that the Stavropol State Agrarian University wins huge heights, and the children should understand the status of this event: "Level of Olympiad is very high. You start from a very successful platform; this platform is a university which cannot be compared with any Russian university. It is an achievement and breakthrough for you! I wish you good luck in any case and congratulate you on the major and important victory!” Minister of Education and Youth Policy of the Territory, E.N. Kozyura, noted that Agricultural University carries out a great job for student working teams:" The food security of the country is in your hands ".

Competitions were held on 14 nominations. As a result of Olympiad 14 winners and 56 prize-winners were determined. The largest number of participants was from Grachevsky district - 8 students, from Alexandrovsky, Neftekumsky, Shpakovsky - 6 students per district. The highest level of training is at secondary school № 1, Mikhailovsk, Shpakovsky district - 2 winners (Director – S.A. Chegrenets); on the second place is school № 1, Grachevka, Grachevsky district - 6 prize-winners (Director – I.M. Nemchinov) and the third is secondary school № 7, Otkaznoye, Sovetsky district - 3 prize-winners (Director - G. Rudenko).

Summarizing the results of all stages of Olympiad the following students have demonstrated the best results: Eduard Germans, school № 5. Kazgulak, Turkmensky district ("Veterinarian"); Catherine Sterleva, school № 1. Grachevka, Grachevsky district ("Veterinarian"); Dina Zhuravleva, school № 8, Blagodatnoe, Petrovsky district ("Ecologist").

The winners and the prize-winners received their diplomas, certificates and gifts. Letters of acknowledgment were given to the school principals, the heads of education departments. In addition, it is very important - the winners and the prize-winners will receive extra points to the results of their Unified National Exam: 1st place - 5 points, 2nd place - 4 points, 3rd place - 3 points.

In response, speeches were made by the students. They thanked the organizers of the event and personally the SSAU Rector, Professor V.I. Trukhachev for the opportunity to show their ability and to help them in choice of profession. The head of the Education Department of Alexandrovsky Municipal District, N.I. Gerasimova, expressed the words of gratitude and special gratitude to the rector and the training staff of the University for effective cooperation and tremendous work of Stavropol State Agrarian University on developing and supporting student working teams and preserving their traditions.

The celebration took place in a cordial and creative atmosphere. The organizers took care of it; the ceremony was accompanied by amateur performances. Students of SSAU are talented in everything! 

Дата новости для фото:  16.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  2

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