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Business play for future managers was held in the Agrarian University


Business play for the students of Economic Faculty of the Department of State and Municipal Management and Law on the theme "Why are elections necessary in our country,» was conducted by an honored lawyer of the Russian Federation, Professor, V.A. Cherepanov.

Teacher has modeled a situation where students participated in a discussion about the role and importance of elections in the Russian Federation at the International Student Forum. Three teams took part in the play. One team expressed the interests of Russian students. It proved the importance and the need of elections for the formation of all levels of government in our country. Members of the other team “were foreign students” with a negative attitude to Russia; and they voiced the opposite view. The third team "foreign students with undecided attitude to Russian democracy” had listened to both points of view and justified their own position. Hot debates flared up, students learnt to defend their point of view, listen to other opinions, find compromises and strike a compromise. Speeches of Butsykinoy Elena, Veronica Ischenko, and Catherine Patsyuchenko were the most vivid and memorable.

Completing the business play, Professor V.A .Cherenkov analyzed the different points of view and highlighted sound and controversial points and appraised the students’ work. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  10

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