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«Youth, science, creativity»


Student Scientific and Practical Conference "Youth, science and creativity" was conducted at the Faculty of Agrobiology and Land Resources, Ecology and Landscape Architecture within the frames of the 81 scientific-practical conference "Agricultural science - North Caucasian Federal District".

At the conference the following best works were identified:

- "Evaluation of the ecological state of green plants while landscaping of pond" Pionerskiy " in Stavropol”, the author is Elena Ivannikova, the 4th year student of "Landscape Architecture" (supervisor - senior lecturer S.R. Eremenko.);

- "Conservation and restoration of small rivers in urban areas of the Stavropol Upland", the author is Alla Perzhinskaya, the 4th year student of "Ecology and Nature" (supervisor - associate professor, S.V. Okrut);

- "Development of recipes and production technologies of food with unabi " - Daria Filimonova, the 4th year student of “Food with plant raw material" (supervisor - associate professor E.A. Sossure);
- "Economic and biological features and selection value of new varieties of winter wheat under conditions of leached chernozem of central Caucasus" - Margarita Nesterova, a 2nd year graduate student (supervisor - Professor A.I. Voyskovoy).

Presented reports touched on topical issues in the field of agriculture, environment and land cadastre and aroused great interest of the participants and caused hot dispute.

The works are recommended for participation in the II stage of All-Russian competition for the best scientific work among students, graduate students and young scientists of Higher Educational Institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation. 

Дата новости для фото:  15.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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