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Teacher-humanitarians teach to discourse


"Agricultural science - North Caucasian Federal District" is so-called plenary meeting of the student section of the humanities departments, taking place in the 81-th scientific-practical conference.

The conference is very important and a variety of topics were raised that concern society and are related to each of us. Students actively expressed their opinions, engaging in polemics, learn to listen to others' opinions.

Best performances have been identified: "The Stolypin’s agrarian reform" the author is Julia Svistunova, Accounting and Finance Department (supervisor - associate professor E.V. Tufanov); "To the question of the relationship between science and religion" - Julia Tsiselskaya, Accounting and Finance Department (supervisor - Professor I.I. Gulyak); "Magna Carta is the prototype of parliamentarism" - Dmitry Romanenko, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization (supervisor - senior lecturer N. J. Kozlovskaya.); "TRP complex in the Soviet Union and modern Russia" - Paul Khaustov, Faculty of Agricultural Mechanization (supervisor - associate professor P.V. Tarasov); "Speech errors in the speech of public speakers," - Elina Abalyan, Accounting and Finance Department (supervisor - Associate Professor E. B. Zorina); "The role of culture in the modern Russian society" - Julia Galayan, Faculty of Economics (supervisor - Professor T.N. Dukhina). Reports have been nominated and awarded with certificates.

Дата новости для фото:  19.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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