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Cooperation of SSAU and insurance companies as a factor to strengthen social partnership


As part of the cooperation program of the department "Finance, credit and insurance" and representatives of the real business insurance companies passed practice-oriented activity for students of the 2 and 3 courses of Accounting and Finance department.

The representatives of the insurance company MetLife met with students. As part of the lesson, students had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the structure of the organization of work in the enterprises of the company, their features activities as well as possibilities of practical training and future employment.

According to financial adviser L.P. Stetsyuk, organizing the young team, so the company is happy to interact with the students, who will soon have to build a society with developed market economies. One of the fundamental factors of progress is the desire of every business entity to operate in conditions of safety and reliability. The guest made a presentation of its commercial network, spoke about the company's development strategy for 2015-2017 years. At the end of the quiz there was organized the meeting, the winners of which received gifts.

Students showed a great interest to the competent opinion of experts, asked a number of topical issues regarding internships and practical training in the company, and expressed their views on the discussed topics. Representatives of the company were invited to open the protection of final qualifying works of students of the Stavropol State Agrarian University. 

Дата новости для фото:  21.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  12

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