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Study only for high quality specialists!


Manager by the department of technology production and processing of agricultural production Professor of SSAU О. В. Сычева O.V. Sycheva took part in tasting of standards of the dairy butter realized in a trade network Stavropol.

To all gladness, the leader was the butter made by "Stavropol" and "Pyatigorsk" factories , who are already many years are the strategic partners of the Stavropol state agrarian university. On these enterprises our students pass practice regularly, many graduating students work there. Traditions of quality at factories are supported at very high level - specialists-beginners can learn.

On tasting the standards of butter of different producers were presented from the Stavropol Krai and from other regions of country. Standards were proposed under numbers - without pointing of producer.

It is necessary to underline that "Buy a slogan Stavropol", known for our citizens during five years, it is the real quality of local food products. 

Дата новости для фото:  25.04.2016
Номер новости для фото:  7

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