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Members of the working teams have decorated the University for spring holidays


Students of working teams "Ozelenitel", "Teplichnic", "Masterok" and "Opytnik" of Agrobiology and Land Resources Department, as well as Ecology and Landscape Architecture Department took part in the decoration of the University on the threshold of spring state and religious holidays.

Near the main building students of "Ozelenitel" put things in order on the lawns, prepared flowerbeds for planting new flowers, cut unnecessary shoots on bushes and trees. Students have also prepared seed-plot of medicinal and aromatic herbs for a new season.

Members of the team “Teplichnik” have worked on the territory of Greenhouse complex and Training Experimental Garden. Students have planted rootstock of fruit trees, strawberry beds, and cut the grass.

Students of the teams “Masterok” and “Opytnik” have done their work on the territory of Experimental University Station. They not only have cleared protective forest plantations, but they have checked and cleaned berry fields and vineyard.

It is important to note that future agronomists and landscapers perform seasonal greenery maintenance of the University regularly; during this work, students develop practical skills needed in their future professional activity. 

Дата новости для фото:  26.04.2016 07:00:00
Номер новости для фото:  1

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